
Guardian – Road Binder

Road Stabiliser & Dust Suppressant (Haul & LV Roads)



GUARDIAN – ROAD BINDER is the latest chemical advancement in RST’s road stabiliser and dust suppressant product range specifically developed for haul and light vehicle road applications for both manned and autonomous operations.

GUARDIAN – ROAD BINDER is diluted into water carts and blended into the road material or sprayed onto the road surface to form a mechanically high resistant road pavement that remains elastic, hard and dust free for extended periods of time.

By adjusting the dosage rate and application procedures of GUARDIAN – ROAD BINDER our clients have the option to achieve a stabilised road pavement which requires no ongoing road dust suppression watering for significant periods of time. Or applying the product as part of their current dynamic road continual watering program to achieve excellent dust suppression results with significantly less re-watering requirements.

Applications include:

  • Haul roads, light vehicle roads, hard stand areas for both long and short term dust control.
  • Road watering reduction or elimination during construction and for ongoing dust suppression.
  • Stabilisation of the roads structural layers to create a more structurally integral road running surface.
  • Stabilisation of the road running surface to minimise material unravelling and surface wash out during rain events.
  • Improve the structural integrity and longevity of problematic road areas such as corners, intersections and ramps.


  • Dust compliance.
  • Significant savings in resources including water and equipment.
  • Easily stored, mixed and applied.
  • Significantly reduces dust, erosion and sediment loss.
  • Extremely cost effective.
  • Adjust the dosage rate to achieve the most effective cost benefit.


GUARDIAN – ROAD BINDER is diluted in water and sprayed onto the road’s surface or into the road material. Dilution rates vary upon the application. Please contact RST for further information.

Health, Safety, Environment and the Community (HSEC)

RST strives, through a process of continuous improvement, to fully integrate health, safety, environmental and community (HSEC) consciousness into all aspects of its activities. 

For more information and to obtain the Safety Data Sheet please contact RST.